Friday, August 30, 2013

Parc Monceau and Pink Toilet Paper

As many of you all know due to my frequent pictures on Instagram, I arrived safely (after a five hour delay in Chicago!) and my new home is wonderful.

School begins next week for les garçons (the boys), and my French language and culture classes start September 26th, so currently there is not a strict schedule.

That aside, three of the boys' cousins came over this afternoon (Arthur, Blanche and Victoire) and we walked to Parc Monceau, a beautiful park in the 8th arrondissement. The little ones are precious, but if you have tips on how to singlehandedly manage five French-speaking children under the age of seven at one time, I'm all ears. At one point they sped too far ahead of me on their scooters and all I could think was "they're going to get kidnapped and die on my first day." I found them two minutes later.

A few little details I love:
- Le papier hygiénique (the toilet paper) in my bathroom est rose (is pink).
- I can faintly hear and feel the Paris Métro traveling underground when I'm falling asleep.
- Elvire and Christophe comfort the boys with "yes, my love" ("mmyiss, me luff" is more like it).
- Christophe really does make French press coffee.
- Lee Anne left une bouteille de vin dans ma chambre (a bottle of wine in my room).
- My towel racks are heated.
- I walked past une boulangerie et une pâtisserie (a bakery and a pastry shop) and nearly fainted. It smelled just as I'd imagined.
- I made a friend on the first night! His name is Souris and he lives in the vent above my shower. Souris means mouse.

"You're kind of old."   -Dimitri

Parc Monceau

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