Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Waka, Waka

Yesterday, Marina (my new friend from Germany!) ate lunch with me after we toured La Basilique du Sacré Coeur. We were casually chatting about American and German stereotypes; she imagines hamburgers and fat people, but I froze when she asked me because the first thing that came to mind were Hitler and the Nazis, so I just left it at "blonde hair and blue eyes, like you!" Crisis averted.

In other news, I climbed to the top of l'Arc de Triomphe, watched Le Tour Eiffel twinkle for two hours, was conned by an Indian man into buying an atrocious bottle of red wine, and treated myself to lunch at Le Grand Palais. I toured Musée d'Orsay, sipped on a cup Angelina's chocolat chaud (hot chocolate), and ate at Le Café Marly, supposedly home to the best Croque Madame in Paris.

This coming weekend, Elvire and Christophe are going to Normandy, so Elvire's cousin is coming to watch the boys with me.

Elvire's cousin is Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg.

-I put huile lavande (lavender oil) in Dimitri & Victor's hair before school so they won't get lice. THEY SMELL SO GOOD.
-I dreamed that I stole 50 euros from the offering plate at the Notre-Dame Cathedral.
-Victor was singing Shakira's "Waka, Waka" all morning. (Ahem, Kathryn Broussard)
-My glasses have become a lot more important; this city deserves to be seen in 20/20.
-All three boys cuddled up against me while I read The Jungle Book and Peter Pan to them! That was the best moment.
-I refer to this website often (http://parisbymouth.com/) because I lunched once at tourist trap near Notre-Dame. My five year old brother could have made the lunch I was served, if I had a five year old brother.
-I check Instagram on my computer now because I think it's using up data on my phone. Life is so hard.
-ALL of my euros were in my trash can... still trying to figure out why I threw them away.

"Table for one? Sad."   -my waiter

La Basilique du Sacré Coeur
View from the top of l'Arc de Triomphe
Le Tour Eiffel at night
Lunch at Le Grand Palais: almond crusted whiting and half-cooked New Zealand spinach served with a caper vinaigrette.
Musée d'Orsay
Angelina's famous chocolat chaud.
Croque Madame at Le Café Marly


  1. LITERALLY I look forward to checking your blog errday so like, don't stop. you can't stop. you won't stop.
