School begins next week for les garçons (the boys), and my French language and culture classes start September 26th, so currently there is not a strict schedule.
That aside, three of the boys' cousins came over this afternoon (Arthur, Blanche and Victoire) and we walked to Parc Monceau, a beautiful park in the 8th arrondissement. The little ones are precious, but if you have tips on how to singlehandedly manage five French-speaking children under the age of seven at one time, I'm all ears. At one point they sped too far ahead of me on their scooters and all I could think was "they're going to get kidnapped and die on my first day." I found them two minutes later.
A few little details I love:
- Le papier hygiénique (the toilet paper) in my bathroom est rose (is pink).
- I can faintly hear and feel the Paris Métro traveling underground when I'm falling asleep.
- Elvire and Christophe comfort the boys with "yes, my love" ("mmyiss, me luff" is more like it).
- Christophe really does make French press coffee.
- Lee Anne left une bouteille de vin dans ma chambre (a bottle of wine in my room).
- My towel racks are heated.
- I walked past une boulangerie et une pâtisserie (a bakery and a pastry shop) and nearly fainted. It smelled just as I'd imagined.
- I made a friend on the first night! His name is Souris and he lives in the vent above my shower. Souris means mouse.
"You're kind of old." -Dimitri
Parc Monceau |